28 Jul 2010

Music Murderation: Orie - My Unborn Child

What is Music Murderation? 

It’s a new feature of pure rubbish I either find myself, or is sent to me via someone else. So embarrassingly bad it needs to be exposed, pointed at, laughed at and slaughtered via Twitter, blogs, Facebook and You Tube to the whole world.

Thanks to @madnewsblog for making me feel so much better about myself and ALL of my situations in life by exposing me to this pure f**kery.

Let’s start with Orie…Oh Lord where do I even begin? @madnewsblog sent me the link via Twitter 2 weeks ago week. When I first saw Mad News blog about Orie she described Orie as having a 'unique style and sound' that combined with the name I thought I was going to be listening to a reggae artist. This is what I heard.

After the first listen I could have sworn it was actually a joke with someone disguised as a bad singer for comedic value. Mad News enlightened me that this indeed was serious, the song is on iTunes and an album is coming out.

This is the comment I left on Mad News Blog after asking us 'Hit or Miss'

"Janice, what inna di raas are you trying to do me? I can’t even digest my Belgian Bun!!! If I was an unborn child there would be no way I’d be coming out of any birth canal anytime soon upon hearing that tripe.

Please tell me this is one of those You Tube jokes and not a real artist.


It’s utter crap.
WTF is this….OMG I’m going for a cigarette. You’ve ruined me!!!!!"

At this point I’m now pissed off. Who does this deluded man think he is exposing innocent people victims to this? Oh and a few days later Mad News posted the link to the launch party. This does NOT have any business being launched ANYWHERE!

“My unborn child. They say your daddy’s crazy…” ……at least we agree on something Orie. 

I sent Orie some messages on Twitter letting him know I thought he couldn’t sing and NOT sing to the baby. I also wanted an explanation to the music he claims is pure noise. I feel at this point I deserved one. Needless to say I’ve yet to receive a response from Orie. Must be sifting through all of the tweets to respond to from his 41 fans.

Dude has the nerve to blame You Tube for the low viewing count  of his song [at the posting of this blog a whopping 305], and wishes he could cook just as good as the music he makes.

Just to make sure Orie wasn't having an off day in the studio I needed to see and hear more just to make sure....**PAUSES** I don't know why...... I'm sorry....I don't know what to say.....

Can someone tell me the noise at 0:54 please?

1 comment:

  1. Bwahahahaha! As one of the commenters on @madnewsblog's site, I wondered when a blog post was coming. I played this to my love and he burst out laughing. It's so bad. I don't think people truly appreciate just how bad the singing is. Maybe we should tell him to audition on X-Factor.......


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