20 Jul 2011

Trailer: The Amazing Spider-Man

New suit. New actor. New reboot.
Not to be confused as another sequel to Spider-Man 3. This new Spider-Man adventure is part of another Hollywood 'craze'...a reboot of the popular franchise.

Batman, The Fast & the Furious and X-Men have all had successful reboots with their franchises. Superman is in the works of having one and Spider-Man starring the Social Network's Andrew Garfield is fast approaching has a July 3rd 2012 release date.

Why does it feel like this film has been so many years in the making already? Might have something to do with all of the talks of Spider-Man 4 which was shelved from 2007. 

All three Spider-Man films starring Tobey Maguire have raked in just under $2.5 billion worldwide. So while some may yawn and roll their eyes at yet another movie, studio bosses might just be rubbing their hands in financial glee this time next year.

This franchise has some VERY big shoes to fill where it comes to the box office figures as the first Spider-Man film starring Maguire brought in over $821 million worldwide at the box office and is the 10th highest grossing film to date of all time in North America.

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