Children of Men Cert 15, 109mins
Director: Alfonso Cuarón
Starring: Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, Michael Caine, Pam Ferris
I'm so glad I never went to the cinema to watch this. I'm even more frustrated that 109 minutes of my life are gone that I'm never going to get back. This is the first film that started out bad, had a bad middle and an even worse ending (the credits were the best part), that I actually sat through, and vowed to put on eBay to the highest bidder. Whether drunk, tipsy or sober, this film isn't that great, I'd be hard pressed to find somebody who actually enjoyed this thoroughly and give me a VALID reason as to why it was so good. It wasn't. I was actually looking forward to adding this to my collection, but it seems to be another one of those movies that was way over-hyped. It's not even a wait for DVD or cable movie, just avoid it, it's bad.
Oh and I used to like Julianne Moore, but she pissed me off real bad with this crap. I guess she figured it was a bad movie too and took the role for the paycheck and to die less than halfway through, so she wouldn't be 100% associated or responsible for it's turnout or lack of. Like I said the best bits are the credits at the end.
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