30 Dec 2006

No such thing as a New Years Resolution

I don't believe in them! Never have. Never will. If you choose to make a difference in your life, then as you decide right there and then is the time when you should indeed make that change. How can you be committed or even really want to make that all important step by deciding to start that diet on Monday when it's only Tuesday or start saving money for your financial future on January 1st, when you're getting paid every month and it's currently October? It makes no sense to me. Those that wait have no real intention of committing and sticking to it. Those that start under the guise of the January 1st New Years Resolution know full well that they will not succeed, and know so before they start, hoping that they can indeed blame their falilure on the fact that it was just a New Years Resolution and being that they are taken so lightly by many anyway, is just an excuse to start and fail miserably.

The best kinds of resolutions are the ones where you get the idea into your head that your sick of whatever is bothering you so much that you really want to change. The best plan of action is to start there and then. If you find you procrastinate, then get up and do the dishes put on some laundry or pay those bills you've let pile up. Your finances stink, well open up a seperate account and next payday set it up so a set amount goes to that new account every week/month to get the ball rolling. You've been meaning to clean out that closet well do it. Hell, sell what you can on eBay and give the rest to a charity. You've put on a few pounds, well then clear out the cupboards and fridge of all the bad stuff that's not helping you on your healthy path in life and go to the grocery store and buy the things that will.

Stop hiding behind January 1st as an excuse to start something you have no intention of finishing. Personal changes take effect every minute, every hour, every day, not once a year.

Tomorrow is never guaranteed or promised. If you really want to make a difference in your life so badly that you want to add it your life long list of things to do/change then start right there and then. If you really mean it you will.

Good Luck!

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