Will be coming over the course of the next few days about Bangkok, Koh Lanta and Kuala Lumpur with more pictures and videos. I updated a few of the blogs I posted whilst out there and added pictures that I took [with the exception of Hyacinth Bucket]
A Different World and
WOAH Lanta!!, those photographs were taken by me.
In the meantime a couple more pictures that I took...

I had to double take...I seriously thought
"no you are not selling feminine hygiene products at a damn food stand in the airport and advertising it so openly as the slogan of your business." Needless to say one misspelled letter and it would have been all over for that food stand.

I darted in this cubicle to take a picture in the ladies toilets. How in the hell are you as a woman supposed to pee using this bog-in-the-floor toilet? Sit all over it??? Nah you don't sit in public toilets.
Look at it this way, You will have some major strong Calf muscles by doing all that squatting lol.