Why am I posting this? Well...
a) seeing a Black celebrity without a weave is a rarity.
b) seeing a Black celebrity without a weave is a rarity.
Although Ms Union *no stranger in getting involved in other 'unions'* stated "no weave, no relaxer, no hot comb..." she failed to use the remaining 140 characters and decided to take her followers for simpletons.
However Gabrielle did take to Twitter to confirm she did in fact use a flat iron on a low heat ONLY when questioned about the straightness of her hair from her Twitter followers.
So what...if never asked she was just going to act like she was weave and heat free? She should have left it at "no weave, no relaxer" instead, she came off looking a little bit silly in my opinion.
Heat is heat on hair, and when used correctly it's fine [to a degree]. Flat irons can cause damage, not just hot combs. So I'm not understanding shunning the use of a hot comb when you used a flat iron. A flat iron or electrical hot comb on low heat are no different with the exception of teeth on the appliance...
With all that money and a baller boyfriend, I'd need to take my business elsewhere is that's how my hair is going to look after a flat iron.
I've seen better 'self-done at home' jobs from women on hair forums.
Congratulations to Gabrielle on having hair!
woooow her hair is long!!!