3 Nov 2008

X Factor: Austin Drage Gone in Week 4???


I've come back to this tragic news!! My talented and favourite liccle white boy singer with the great voice Austin is out? In week 4?

What in the world!!

Now compared to American Idol half of those in this competition wouldn't even had made it through to Hollywood if it were down to the judges on the shores to the west of us. But Eoghan (pronounced Owen) that baby-faced crap little pug faced Irish boy is still in as with 38 year old [never gonna make it in the charts and you're only here because of a sob story] Daniel,and Essex boy is out.

X Factor Week 3 - I take it it was Big Band theme night. I can't stand it when they do Big Band tunes but he smacked it!

No doubt the likes of Laura, Alexandra, Rachel, Ruth and Diana are talented vocalists in this competition, but when you've seen and heard one good female or two with a great set of lungs it's gets boring. That's why I love it when the men step up to the plate and deliver it vocally. They are more exciting to watch, and other than my girl Mariah [Cannon] Carey I much prefer to listen to male vocalists.

Saturday nights are not going to be the same without Austin on my TV set. For me he was my favourite contender. Although I didn't think he would win, not because he's not talented enough, but because there is too much hype surrounding the females this year, I just didn't suspect he'd be out this early.

X Factor Week 4 - Wishing On A Star [Disco Week]


Oh well I'll guess I'll have to make do and catch up on his 3 live performances that he did and enjoy them until he comes out with his own material.

X Factor Week 4 - The sing off [the performance that didn't save him] Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow


One more for the road...Billie Jean [Michael Jackson week] my favourite Austin Drage performance from Week 2...

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