This is the picture that graces both of my computer screens at work and has done so since yesterday.
**Now on goes my annoyed black girl voice**
HOW.IN.THE.HELL is a British white man (my manager) at the age of 34 going to ask me who the white guy is?
Haven't you seen the TV over the past few months or read a damn newspaper you inbred ingrate?
If the man is standing next to President Obama looking triumphant and victorious and the on the day of November 5th is reads 'Thank You' that there may be a clue THAT.IT.JUST.MIGHT.BE.THE.DAMN.VICE.PRESIDENT.OF.THE.UNITED.STATES.OF.AMERICA? It sure as hell ain't Michelle.
Seriously WTF! **shakes head, takes a swig of water wishing it was Myers Rum n Coke**
CHILDREN can recognise the four main players in this election, Palin, McCain, Biden and Obama and then some. The wives, children and the ones that lost to even run as candidates in this election are known, [and I will know the puppy's name too]. Shoot even I know MORE names of the past, present and future members of the administration than our own MP's in the UK Parliament.
This man should be ashamed of himself. Our ties and coverage to the US are so close politcally we may as well be known as the 51st state.
And even after I told him It's Joe Biden, asked "Who is he?"
I just had to give him the MF'er are you crazy look "It's the soon to be Vice President of the United States."
And this man manages me and our department. I knew he was dense and incapable, this just cemented that for me tenfold.
**Now on goes my annoyed black girl voice**
HOW.IN.THE.HELL is a British white man (my manager) at the age of 34 going to ask me who the white guy is?
Haven't you seen the TV over the past few months or read a damn newspaper you inbred ingrate?
If the man is standing next to President Obama looking triumphant and victorious and the on the day of November 5th is reads 'Thank You' that there may be a clue THAT.IT.JUST.MIGHT.BE.THE.DAMN.VICE.PRESIDENT.OF.THE.UNITED.STATES.OF.AMERICA? It sure as hell ain't Michelle.
Seriously WTF! **shakes head, takes a swig of water wishing it was Myers Rum n Coke**
CHILDREN can recognise the four main players in this election, Palin, McCain, Biden and Obama and then some. The wives, children and the ones that lost to even run as candidates in this election are known, [and I will know the puppy's name too]. Shoot even I know MORE names of the past, present and future members of the administration than our own MP's in the UK Parliament.
This man should be ashamed of himself. Our ties and coverage to the US are so close politcally we may as well be known as the 51st state.
And even after I told him It's Joe Biden, asked "Who is he?"
I just had to give him the MF'er are you crazy look "It's the soon to be Vice President of the United States."
And this man manages me and our department. I knew he was dense and incapable, this just cemented that for me tenfold.
Like they say "Ignorance is a disease" and highly infectious. The day and age we live in is getting dumber and dumber as we speak and i must say after living in England for so many years and then moving to the U.S i used to be so proud of the English and always made comparisms to England while living in the states and told them how highly intelligent the brits were and to my amazement when i returned to the UK a few years ago to visit i saw a mini USA with obesity and trash tv and lots dumb and ignorant conversations and i was in shock and had to resort to the fact that the American ignorance has spread beyond the Mighty USA and we are taking no prisoners and will try to use it to handicap the World in our pursuant of World Dominance