13 Dec 2008

Law Of Attraction

I've been a user of this on and off, [although now more on] for a long while now. The ladies over at LHCF always start a monthly thread on it and to read all of the inspiring testimonials gives me that buzz to incorporate it back into my life on a stronger level. I personally do not participate much, I like to keep the daily list of what I'm grateful for private. That's just me.

First things first, it's no cult or worship, you don't need to spend a dime as there are free resources everywhere and podcasts to listen to if you so choose. It's not specifically for believers of God, Allah or Krishna and a lot of the thought process and advice given [or teachings if you will] are inspired from the bible and other religious and non-religious works. If you're religious I find it can only assist and encourage you and if you're not then it will do the same for your personal life minus the religious element. It can go from the basic premise of the 'starter' book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, to reading literature like the Master Key system, to the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Esther and Jerry Hicks, Dr Wayne Dyer and Louise Hay adorn my bookshelf with a few best selling titles that I nabbed in Amazon for half price. Like my relationship [with God] whether strained [from my end] or going extremely well, that along with this [LOA] I usually keep it personal and private because I find the opinions of others about how I choose to live my life which benefits me a tad grating and disrespectful. If you mention you believe in God then come the catty discussions about religion, wars and corrupt people. Seriously folks save it, I cannot be swayed. I can't speak for corrupt religious leaders, they have no bearing on me personally. The actions of a few make the majority look bad, the regular folks going on their daily business trying to do right spend so much energy have to defend their personal beliefs because over some nasty priests and the like who are nothing more than scum. And to be totally honest why do those who don't believe have a problem with those that do? [I may blog about this one day I'm sure] I for one am not bothered by atheists, agnostics and the like. Do you folks! Do you.
...but here I go digressing again.

Back to LOA. Ask. Believe. Receive. Sounds simple enough, not always when put into practise though. It takes a little bit of getting used to when you've asked and then you have to be open, faithful and positive that what you want shows up. I gave myself a little LOA challenge for December on the 1st of the month. When I'm not being lazy and only being thankful in my head [which still counts none the less] I write down everything I can think of for the day that I'm grateful for, read it over one more time then lock it along with the others in a perspex box. I guess physically I am counting my blessings. For me it's taking real time out to be grateful. It sounds easy but you have to be disciplined enough to take five minutes to write when all you want to do is retire to your bed for the night. I've noticed within myself I feel better the night before and have a better day following than if I don't do it.

So my little LOA challenge for December...I couldn't really think of anything I wanted so I made two requests. I wasn't going to go out of my way to really make it happen, simply ask, watch for signs and just be receptive to whatever good was coming my way. One was to make £700 outside of my salary this month [how I don't know, but I thought OK this will be a challenge as I'm not even doing any trading right about now]. The second was great news surrounding my current job or a new one on the way. It's currently 00:39 as I write this and got home at 00:05. My parents came by to pick up some DVDs I'd left in the porch when I was at work. On returning home my mum had left a brown envelope with 2 separate envelopes inside. One read Naomi important items inside. The other Naomi. Open with care from dad. And the other Naomi on the front and my initials NCM scrawled on the back. It's only me that lives here, but my mother wants to make sure I know these envelopes are for me right? **Go figure** In one I knew she had left a picture that I asked for of my cousin Ronni so no surprise there, and in each of the other two were gifts of money from each of my parents. I'm standing there just staring at the cash in my hallway thinking Holy Shit [and yes I called them and said thank you].

With regard to the job, well there was a meeting with the little team of the four of us and were told that we are splitting from our manager and moving to a new team. We will be there next month and possibly a bit longer into February or until further notice, which suits me fine because December 31st is supposed to be my last day. The calls on the agency front have been dead.


Just straight up dead, and on Wednesday the lack of calls from agencies popped into my head but I quickly shifted that thought into a positive one and just said nonchalantly to myself. I'm going to get a call from an agency today. Not even 20 minutes and my phone rang about a contract job at BGI [perfect because I don't want to go perm]. She asked me how much I was on and said they should have no problem matching that, that it was based in the City [Canary Wharf is too far] and that they are a really great team to work for and all the people that they place there really love working for them. With some firms this is true and I haven't heard a consultant speak so highly about a firm in a long time.

What I wrote on the card was specific to location, pay, the people and flexibility in time off [for my holidays]. The job they put me forward for ticked all of the boxes which I specified twelve days ago.

I blogged about writing a book a few days ago. Well I've started, I have the idea but will tell you another lil story before bed. That same day I had come up with a title 'In The Eye of the Beholder.' For what it was about [which I'm not divulging until I make sure I'm in the know 100% about copyright] that title was already taken a few times over [which I know is not a problem] and quite frankly I had gone off it and wasn't feeling it anymore. So I went to sleep on it. As soon as I woke up the next day the perfect title came into my head. Before I had even gotten up out of the bed.

The title is the name of a song and album by a very famous British band. I decided the main character was going to be named partially after that song title as the mother is a fan of the group and the album was released 2 days before she [main character] was born in 1979. Even now two days on, I'm happy with the title and it will stick. So I'm sitting on the train that very night and plots and characters have been in my head the whole time. I'm going through the purchased section of songs from Itunes. Now I take ALL of the free songs and videos that Itunes offer on the homepage. I don't even know the song titles or artists. I don't even care what genre it is. Every Monday I check for the Free tab click it whilst sipping a hot chocolate not even paying attention and never listen to them. Black people will take freeness, it's a fact. So I have about 100+ of those crappy songs accumulated over 2 years by underground artists trying to get recognition from Free Download of the Week. I'm hitting the buttons with my Ipod in my pocket not even looking at it and stop on #18 and listen. "Hold up a second what the hell is this old time song?" It sounded familiar as I'd been humming it when I went on Wikipedia to find out a little background into the song for research into the title. As God is my witness it was the same song playing, which was also the same title of the book and my characters name I came up with that morning. I have never willingly downloaded any of this group's music of the 3,000+ songs I have on my ipod but it seems one week Itunes went way back to 79 and had a free oldie. I downloaded that on 15th October [the info tells me] without a second thought...a couple of clicks and probably left the room to do something else.

All in all, I'll see how it goes from here on now. Look one 3x5 index card, a pen and a little positivity and faith surely isn't hurting me right about now.

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