13 Jan 2009


What in the world............?

I try on all 3 dresses last night with my platform heels only to find I just have the right foot. The last time I wore these was in Dallas and yes I even remember the date May 30th 2008 to Stone Trail. These came back to London so where and all of my shoes are paired away so why this buggering one is left lonely I don't know!
Did a squirrel jump in through my bedroom window and run off with it?

If you see this lonely left foot in a UK size 8 please let me know **sniff sniff**


  1. I also feel so attached to my shoes...will be on the look out for it ;)

  2. LOL @ the missing shoe. I don't know about London, but there are always random shows in the middle of the roads here...know I know why. LOL



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