19 Nov 2009


  • Why am I on the laptop in bed @ 6:52am eating pizza??
  • I have a job interview @ 11am and need to leave the house by 9:30am?
  • I haven't even prayed over this job interview. I can do that in the shower. I get a lot of my best praying done in the bathroom.
  • I have NOT read over the job spec or my CV/resume to familiarise myself with my past positions.
  • Why am I so last minute DOT COM???
  • Why did I just take a break from blogging to dip the crust in garlic sauce???
  • Why do I procrastinate so.....???
  • Why am I deh pon Facebook???


1 comment:

  1. All the best in your interview!!
    Hmmm I havent had pizza in ages...
    I also do my praying in the shower..yeah instead of singing in the shower m more of a praying in the shower person!!


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